Welcome to Top Job London

We are a professional recruitment agency, specialised in supply temporary and long term staff to the catering industry including hotels.
At top job London we cover various positions in the hospitality field from F&B, Kitchen, Front Office and housekeeping. We can assist your organisation to achieve its objectives and exceed your goals. From temporary staffing, long term managed solutions to permanent recruitment services enabling you to find the right people to become part of your organisation.

We are also specialised in work placements with students from Italy which are sponsored by the European community. the work placement scheme provide opportunities and benefits for both individuals and employers. Work placements are voluntary, unpaid and last between 3 weeks and 2 months.
For employers they are an opportunity to improve the skills of new entrants to the industry, raise the profile of career opportunities available within their organisation and develop management skills for existing staff.
For individuals they provide the opportunity to acquire new skills in a structured environment and increase opportunities for future employment.
We provide work placements in the following fields:
Hospitality; IT; Admin;Web Design; Marketing; Media; Hotel Management;Architecture; Medical; Journalism.

For further information on our services or whatever your hospitality needs may be please contact us on 02074360777// 07908267396 or email


From 31 December 2020, Great Britain is no longer part of the European Union and after the transition period, from 01 January 2021 many things have changed even for those who want to visit, study or work in London.
You will need a valid passport that covers the entire period of stay to enter the United Kingdom (identity cards are no longer accepted). You can stay on a tourist visa for up to 6 months. At the border, you may be asked for a residential address (which we can provide you with confidence) and if you have the financial means to support you during your stay.

Our accomodations are all located in central London and they are fully furnished.

Host Families

Top Job London offers accommodation in family house flat sharing. It is possible to choose between single and double room.
The families are selected.


The reservation service with our site www.topjoblondon.com not only allows you to book accommodation in one of our flats but also to use the job search service and registration for English courses.

Job / Stage

We provide the interviews based on your professional experience and usually you will be able to get a job in no more than two weeks time.
We provide too Curriculum Vitae translation service.
We also organize Stages.